Five Reasons Written Contracts Beat Handshake Deals and More

In the days of the Armada, a fleet of warships, the scuttlebutt was the rumor or gossip that would spread throughout the ship. Today, Armada Law Corp presents The Scuttlebutt, a daily summery of news articles that people within the cannabis, hemp and plant medicine industries are chatting about along with links to the full articles.

In today’s news:

#WorkforceWednesday: Navigating New Laws – California’s Upcoming Deadlines for Employers – Employment Law This Week®

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Emerald Cup cancels 2023 Harvest Ball for cannabis cultivators

#californiacannabis – “The Emerald Cup’s marquee winter event that celebrates small craft cannabis farmers in Northern California and connects them with prospective buyers across the state is being canceled this year, according to sources familiar with the situation.

The Harvest Ball Festival, which has drawn more than 13,000 attendees to the Sonoma County Fairgrounds the past few years, will forgo this year’s installment as event organizers focus efforts and resources on the Emerald Cup’s 20th anniversary event in the San Francisco Bay Area in the spring of 2024, sources told MJBizDaily.

Harvest Ball organizers hadn’t announced specific dates for this year’s event….”

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Humboldt Growers slam cannabis initiative as ‘lie’

#californiacannabis – “The Humboldt Cannabis Reform Initiative claimed to “Support Small Farmers” while gutting the County’s cannabis ordinances

Seven small cannabis farmers, along with the Humboldt County Growers Alliance, filed suit in Humboldt County court on the grounds that signature gathering efforts for the Humboldt Cannabis Reform Initiative – currently slated to appear on the March 5, 2024 ballot – were based on a lie….”

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Five Reasons Written Contracts Beat Handshake Deals

#cannabisindustry – “One of the best insurance policies a cannabis business can get is a written contract. Paying a lawyer a little bit up front can save hundreds of thousands when things go south. A lot of folks in the cannabis industry are still doing deals on a handshake basis (you can see some of our older posts on handshake deals below). In this post, I’ll outline a few of the best reasons why written contracts beat handshake deals 99% (if not 100% of the time)….”

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