Cannabis stakeholders upbeat about prospects for end of 280E, stress need for risk-taking and More

In the days of the Armada, a fleet of warships, the scuttlebutt was the rumor or gossip that would spread throughout the ship. Today, Armada Law Corp presents The Scuttlebutt, a daily summery of news articles that people within the cannabis, hemp and plant medicine industries are chatting about along with links to the full articles.

In today’s news:

Cannabis stakeholders upbeat about prospects for end of 280E, stress need for risk-taking

#cannabisindustry – “Industry stakeholders speaking on an MJBizCon panel Wednesday expressed optimism that the Biden will reschedule marijuana as a less dangerous drug in the months ahead, a move that would allow cannabis businesses to escape the steep taxes levied under Section 280E of the federal tax code.

At the same time, however, the panelists acknowledged the current difficulties facing the industry as well as the need to take risks to reap potential benefits down the road…..”

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Analyzing the Impact of Recreational Cannabis Legalization on Young Adult Cannabis Use

#cannabisresearch – “Citing the lack of data around the impact of recreational cannabis legalization on this age range, researchers studied survey data from cannabis users, either medical or recreational, ages 18-20 in two groups: one group of 172 in 2014-2015, and the second of 139 in 2019-2020 (1). The group studied after 2016 reported an average of fewer days using alcohol and cigarettes, though they did report more use of edibles (1). In both groups—both pre- and post- legalization—medical cannabis patients were more likely to self-report their medical cannabis use (1).

The study also pointed out a significant finding on the overall effect of legalization. “Notably, frequency of cannabis use (days or hits per day) did not significantly differ between the pre- and post-AUL [adult use legalization] cohorts, except for greater use of edibles, despite potentially greater access to cannabis,” the researchers stated in the abstract (1)….”

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Our Very Own Dale Schafer Leads This Discussion


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