Cannabis Legalization Gets Voters’ OK In Ohio and More

In the days of the Armada, a fleet of warships, the scuttlebutt was the rumor or gossip that would spread throughout the ship. Today, Armada Law Corp presents The Scuttlebutt, a daily summery of news articles that people within the cannabis, hemp and plant medicine industries are chatting about along with links to the full articles.

In today’s news:

Rep. Earl Blumenaur Announces Retirement

#cannabispolitics – “During all these years, one of the strongest advocates on Capitol Hill for cannabis reform on both the state and federal level of government has been Oregon Rep. Earl Blumenauer. From serving on the Portland City Council to a career in Congress spanning nearly three decades, Blumenauer has either directly authored, sponsored or otherwise supported nearly every important piece of cannabis reform discussed in The House. Through several changes, Blumenauer has been a cornerstone of cannabis support in a chamber that wasn’t always so open to discussing cannabis reform as it is today.   Becoming equally as known for his steadfast dedication to cannabis reform as he is for his endless collection and donning of bow ties, the Oregon Congressman has remained a champion for all cannabis-related causes in a body of government known for painfully obvious flip-flopping career politicians….”

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Cannabis Legalization Gets Voters’ OK In Ohio

#cannabislegalization – “Ohio became the 24th state to legalize adult-use marijuana on Election Day after voters approved a referendum to tax and regulate the drug’s sale.

Voters endorsed the legalization measure, designated Issue 2, with 56% of the electorate voting in favor on Tuesday, according to early election results.

In backing recreational cannabis, Ohio follows the lead of Missouri and Maryland, which also approved proposals to bring the states from medical-only to full legalization on Election Day last November.

Issue 2’s victory marks a turnaround of sorts for cannabis law reformers, who have seen four consecutive electoral losses in Arkansas, North Dakota, South Dakota and Oklahoma, which have all rejected ballot proposals to approve adult-use cannabis within the last year.”

(PAYWALL) Read more at:


Will the cannabis of the future be brewed in big vats of yeast?

We can now synthesise THC, CBD and other cannabinoids in bioreactors – these could be used to make new therapeutic compounds with a lower environmental cost

#cannabisscience – “Golden liquid churns in six glass vessels, each hooked up to a computer via a bundle of tubes and wires. Air pumps buzz, and the room smells of bananas and old beer. But this facility – I was allowed to visit on the condition I not use its name or location – is no brewery. Its operators are making cannabis products using microbes instead of plants.

Humans have been cultivating cannabis plants for thousands of years, first for their fibres and later …”

(PAYWALL) Read More:


Auburn City Council to discuss cannabis policies in near future

#californiacannabis – “After Jared Turner gave his brief statement about his desire to bring a cannabis dispensary to the city, Councilwoman Sandy Amara and Councilwoman Rachel Radell-Harris said they were interested in referring the item back to staff and bringing back for a discussion among council….”

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